Cues and Drills for Proper Stroke Technique

It's important to note that using the correct technique is crucial when playing badminton. It's the difference between hitting home runs and falling flat on your face. I've got you covered with some incredible coaching signals, so don't worry—I'll help you master those strokes.

I know what you're thinking - "Cues? Those silly little phrases coaches yell at you?" Yeah, those things. Except mine aren't just any old cues. These babies are specially crafted to plant those perfect technique visuals into your brain. With a few reps using my cues, you'll be swinging that racket like a seasoned veteran.

I've spent countless hours around the badminton court, so trust me. I've witnessed all the poor habits, unsightly swings, and footwork errors. But you may steer clear of those technique mistakes right away if you have the correct cues to help you. It's similar to having a mental coach that holds you accountable for each stroke.

For the next few minutes, please lend me your eyes and muscle memory. I'm about to unleash some pearls of wisdom that will have you destroying shuttles everywhere. Your brushwork will be so beautiful that it could easily hang in a museum.

Before we start, I want to warn you that these coaching techniques might differ a lot from the conventional ones. Take it with a pinch of salt. So let's get going!

Forehand Stroke

The forehand is the bread-and-butter of badminton. Master this stroke, and you're well on your way to badminton glory. But get it wrong, and you'll be spraying shots all over the court like a lawn sprinkler gone rogue.

You need to get your technique dialed from the ground up to avoid the ugly mishits. So let's build that forehand stroke brick by brick, starting with:


Coaching cue: "Shake hands with the racket, like you're greeting an old friend."

Don't treat that racket like a stranger! You two must be best friends. Give it a hard shake, just like you would with a friend at the bar. Using a "handshake grip" helps you return those lightning-fast drives by keeping your racket face square.


Coaching cue: "Turn those shoulders, not your feet - you're not a ballerina, folks."

We're going to have issues if I catch any of you loitering about. All of the rotation for accurate forehand footwork must originate from those shoulders. Your paws? Like strong oak trees, they remain planted and powerful, even while they are throwing a nasty shoulder turn.

Swing Path

Coaching cue: "Swing from the scratch of your back, like you're scratching that itch you can't reach."

That's right, take your swing path from the deepest scratch of your back to that glorious contact point. It's like having an itch you can't scratch, but your racket finally gives you that sweet relief. Ahhh, doesn't that feel better?


Coaching cue: "Point to the target like you're giving directions to a lost tourist."

Where do you want that shuttle to go? Point the way with a crisp follow-through that has your racket aiming right at the target. You're like a badminton traffic cop, directing that shuttle to its intended destination with purpose. No mayhem on these courts!

Looking good so far! With these coaching cues burnt into your brain, you're well on your way to forehand mastery. But we're just getting started - there's plenty more stroke wisdom coming your way. Stay tuned!

To help you better, here’s the link of the video:

Backhand Stroke

Backhand stroke is like the slouch of badminton strokes. The ugly stepchild. But not for you, my friends. With a few simple cues, your backhand is gonna be a showstopper.


Coaching cue: "Thumb on top, fingers underneath - like you're holding a tasty sandwich."

Put that clumsy backhand grip away. We desire a solid, mouthwatering hold on the racket handle. Imagine your thumb acting as the top bread of a substantial sub sandwich, carefully holding the finger fillings in place.


Coaching cue: "Turn those hips, not your shoulders - shake what your mama gave ya!"

Listen up, campers - I better see some hip action on these backhand shots. Your shoulders are old news. For proper backhand prep, it's all about the hips, baby! Wind 'em up and let 'em rip like you're doing your favorite TikTok dance. Wiggle it. Shake it. Just get those hips involved!

Swing Path

Coaching cue: "Swing from the pocket, like you're digging for spare change."

No robotic, straight-line swing paths here. We're taking it nice and loopy for the backhand. Reach into that pocket and swing it low, grazing the goodies (figuratively, of course). It's like digging for that elusive quarter at the bottom. Except this pocket has a feathery prize waiting!


Coaching cue: "Finish with a wrist flick, like you're sassing someone off."

Don't hold anything back on this backhand! As you make contact, let your whole personality come through with a fierce wrist flick. It's that little "tuh" sound at the end of "whatever" when you're silently dismissing somebody. Tuh! Yeah, you got attitude for days, don't you?

There you have it, my backhand batting stance cues. Drilled into your muscle memory, these babies will transform your puny backhand into a powerhouse crosscourt slayer. Cue the "ooh's" and "ahh's" from the crowd!

Here’s a reel to help you understand better:

Overhead Clear

Overhead Clear is probably the most glamorous shot of badminton. When executed with flawless technique, it's simply breathtaking. Of course, most of you mere mortals look about as graceful as a drunk giraffe taking ballet lessons. But have no fear, my cues are here to get you clear on the point.


Coaching Cue: "Shake hands firmly with the racket - a limp handshake is unacceptable."

Let's get one thing straight - I won't tolerate any wimpy grips out there. When you shake hands with that racket, you commit 100%. No half-hearted greetings allowed. A firm, confident grip shows that racket who's boss. This isn't a business meeting, it's a backyard brawl for shot-making supremacy.


Coaching Cue: "Turn that body, not just your arm - you're not a robot, people!"

What is this, the channeling of the Tin Man? If all I see are those arms swinging, we've got bigger issues. For an explosive overhead clear, you need to throw your whole being into it. I'm talking hips, shoulders, and platform shoes if you have to! Make it like a tornado and try making it spin.

Swing Path

Coaching Cue: "Swing from the hip, not the shoulder - put some spin on it, baby!"

The overhead clear is all about those hips. Forget what you learned for forehands and backhands - we're taking this swing path straight from the Hotel California: You can check out those hips, but they can never leave! Let 'em drive that swing all the way to contact for mega power and wicked spin.


Coaching Cue: "Snap that wrist at the end, like you're cracking a whip."

Do you think the magic happens at contact? Nah, the real fun is in that follow-through! As soon as you crush that shuttle, keep that racket accelerating all the way through with a ferocious wrist snap. Crack that whip like you're about to take on a pack of lions. The sound alone should incite fear in your opponents.

The entire overhead clear bundle is seen there. When you have these stroke cues down pat, you'll be hitting clears with such elegance and perfection that people will think you hired a body double. People, you'll truly feel envious.

Here’s an Instagram reel for better understanding:


Ahh, the powerful smash, the showpiece of the badminton shot repertoire. When used correctly, it cuts straight through the dreams of your opponent like a blade. Hear this, though: smashing with deadly accuracy is an art. Fortunately, I'll be here to help you navigate the technical maelstrom. Rookies, fasten your seatbelts!


Coaching cue: "Grip it like a baseball bat - time to knock it outta the park!"

That's right, no wimpy palm grips here. We're going full lumberjack on that racket handle. Wrap those fingers around it like you're gripping a baseball bat in the bottom of the 9th. This is your moment to be the home run hero and send that shuttle soaring into the stratosphere. Batter up!


Coaching cue: "Bend those knees, load that weight - you're not skipping leg day!"

I don't want to see any stick figures out there, folks. We load up into those smashes with the thunder of a thousand freight trains. Get low into an athletic stance with your weight centered and ready to unleash maximum power from the ground up. You're a coiled spring about to go full viper on that shuttle!

Swing Path

Coaching cue: "Swing from the back, not the side - channel your inner warrior!"

We're not tossing laissez-faire lobs here, my friends. For the ultimate power smash, you need to supercharge that swing from the deepest recesses of your core. Take that swing path from the back and uncork everything you've got like an ancient battle warrior unleashing fury. Give me berserker intensity or give me death!


Coaching cue: "Finish with your racket pointing down like you're planting a flag."

Consider that smash a conquest, and the follow-through is you planting your victory flag dead center in enemy territory. As you make contact, keep that racket accelerating violently down and across your body until it's a bayonet-straight extension of your arm hitting the deck. You just stormed the beaches of Badminton Normandy! Take that hill, soldier!

There it is, the total smash masterclass. With these killer cues branding your brain, you're destined to be the court's apex predator. The shuttlecock slayer! Crank up the heavy metal and let those smashes rip - it's carnage time!

Here’s a great reel to help you perform various smash exercises:

Net Shot

Now that we've gone over every power shot, let's get delicate. When done correctly, the net shot may be a deceptive little ballerina in badminton because it is graceful but shockingly powerful. However, for most of you inept fools, your net shots resemble inebriated attempts at arm punches. Well, let's get that fixed.


Coaching cue: "Relaxed grip, like holding a baby bird - no death grips allowed."

For this stroke, we ditch the gorilla grip in favor of a gentle caress. I want you gripping that racket like you're cradling a tiny, newborn chick in the palm of your hand. Gently do it, you don't want to crush the poor thing. Loosen up those fingers and relax that grip tension. Ahh, isn't that better?


Coaching cue: "Stay on those toes, ready to move - you're a jungle cat, not a sloth."

Wake up, sunshine! This isn't nap time. For proper net footwork, you need to be light and springy like a jungle cat stalking its prey. None of that flat-footed nonsense. Stay up on the edges of those feet, coiled and ready to unleash stellar court coverage in any direction. You're a freaking puma out there, not a sluggish tree-hugger.

Swing Path

Coaching cue: "Punch the shuttle down, like you're boxing a speed bag."

Unlike its bigger power shot siblings, the net shot swing is a short, compact punch from a semi-closed stance. Channel your inner boxer and stick that leading hand straight out while rotating the shoulder and snapping that upwardly mobile punch. Bam! Shuttle gets a dose of downdraft. Work that speed bag, kid!


Coaching cue: "Finish with a soft, controlled wrist - no wild haymakers here, folks."

Don't go getting all muscly with excessive follow-through here. Unlike the power shots, we want a nice contained wrist roll to guide that shuttle back down with a velvet caress. It's dainty, not violent. Soft hands, you barbarians! Stroke it like you're gently petting a kitten. Bet you can't do delicate, eh? Prove me wrong.

That's the entire net shot technique broken down for you. You'll become the court's expert in exquisite touch and tactical artistry with these precisely calibrated signals. And as you punish them mercilessly with angled aptitude, the remainder of the boneheads will still be hitting for the fences. Well, what a lovely game!


Alright, you sponges - we've covered all the major shot strokes and stuffed your brains full of my supreme coaching cues. From the beastly smash to the delicate net dab, you now possess the secret sauce for technical badminton wizardry.

But here's the kicker - cues alone don't magically make you a rockstar player. They're just the initial spark to light that technical fire under your butt. The real work comes from burning those cues into your muscle memory through relentless practice and dedicated court training.

I'm talking full immersion people! Start hearing those cues on a near-spiritual level. As you toss a shuttle, the cue should echo through your mind..."Shake hands with the racket." Stepping up to a shot? "Turn those shoulders, not your feet." It needs to become your swing stance mantra, ingrained into every fiber of your being.

Only once those cues naturally coalesce with your mechanics can you truly execute strokes with textbook precision and grace. It won't happen overnight - you've got to put in the hard yards, grind out those reps, and maintain the court rat mentality of a true student.

But trust me, amigos - those initial awkward swing reminders will eventually dissolve. The cues will transcend into unconscious, instinctive movements. One day you'll effortlessly crush an overhead clear, then crack that wrist snap without even thinking about it. That's when you'll know you've leveled up.

The path is arduous, but for those willing to embrace the eternal grind, the technical mastery awaits. My cues are your modern-day martial arts codes to unlocking that potential. So whataya say? Ready to join me in the badminton dojo to chase the beautiful stroke?

Then grab your armor, kids - it's about to get technical up in here. Let's freakin' go!


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